===== NTP ===== Config: /etc/ntp.conf Commands: ntptrace #Show sync stats watch -n1 -d ntptrace #Show continiously sync stats ntpq -p #NTP query program ntpq -pn #NTP query program. showing IP instead of DNS name ntpdate -s time.server.com && /sbin/hwclock --systohc ntpdate -b time.server.com #force sync - ntpd has to been switched off during sync! "offset": Shows timedifference between reference time (timeserver) and system time (OS) "jitter": Indicates the magnitude of the fluctuations between individual time comparisons (worst case) Example: [root@testsap ~]# ntpq -pn remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter ============================================================================== * 4 u 652 1024 377 0.545 0.944 1.939 + 5 u 705 1024 377 0.469 1.579 3.187 + 6 u 592 1024 377 0.342 2.999 22.494 Check from a Linux-Client: vi /etc/ntp.conf #Select NTP-server you want to check date -s "1974-01-04" date --set="2 OCT 2006 18:00:00" date +%T -s "20:46:05" service ntpd restart systemctl restart ntpd.service date timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Berlin timedatectl dpkg-reconfigure tzdata