[[http://tmade.de|Home tmade.de]] [[http://wiki.tmade.de|Home Wiki]] ===== X-Server ===== ==== General ==== startx #Start X-Server startx -- :1 #Start 2. X-Server (Desktop) startx /path/to/program/ -- :1 #Start programm in 2. X-Server startx fluxbox -- :1 -config xorg2.conf #Start 2. X-Server with program "fluxbox" with second screen-resolution sax2 #Repair X-Server (on Suse) Text x-config tool runs in text mode: xf86config xorg.conf manuelly: xorgconfig #Creates /etc/X11/xorg.conf Order when X-Server starts: startx -> xinit -> xinitrc -> xclients Execute X on Remote PC and show output locally: ssh Name, Passwort export DISPLAY=dozentRechner:1 #":1" = 2. X-Server(Default DISPLAY=“0:0“) xeyes & Programm #Execute on 2. X-Server DISPLAY=IP:0.0 export DISPLAY echo $DISPLAY startkde -display local_machine_name:0.0 & Show programm on 2. screen: export set DISPLAY= #Displays on first monitor of host export set DISPLAY= #Displays on second monitor of host export DISPLAY=:1:0; mozilla export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 #Setup by connceting remote via ssh (putty) and xming (X-Server for Windows) ==== Problem Solution ==== Start "xrandr" on X-Terminal: xrandr #Show config and screen resolution Example: VGA-Montior start (on CRTC 1) with: xrandr --output VGA-0 --auto --crtc 1 Laptop-Screen shutdown with: xrandr --output LVDS --off -> ok VGA-Montior set on CRTC 0: xrandr --output VGA-0 --auto --crtc 0 xdm: chkconfig xdm #Check if "xdm" is running /var/log/*X*.log #For indication as to why it's failing to load at start. ==== Ubuntu ==== Install gnome: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop sudo apt-get install gdm sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg sudo update sudo upgrade ==== X11 ==== To run a X11-Programm with root, if direct root-login is not allowed: *Login with your normal user (don´t execute "sudo su -" during login) *xauth -f ~/.Xauthority extract /tmp/Xauthtmp :10 *Start an external X-Server (such as Xming) *sudo su - *xauth merge /tmp/Xauthtmp *export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 *xclock (or another X-Programm)