rsync -a /home/tmade/ /backup/rsync/ #copies and sync /home/tmade to /backup/rsync rsync -a --delete /home/tmade/ /backup/rsync/ #delete files which have been deleted in source also in mirror rsync -a --exclude-from=/path/to/excludedfile /home/tmade/ /backup/rsync/ #doesn´t sync files listes in exclude file. files with "#" in front are ignored!
Over network:
rsync -avzP --delete /home/tmade/ root@remoteserver:/home/tmade/ #sync and delete files, if they are deleted from source /usr/bin/rsync -avzP /path/to/source/* user@IP_or_DNS:/path/to/destination #sync files from source to destination
Other direction:
rsync -ave ssh /backup/home/tux root@DA1:/home/ #backup of homedirectory is copied back to DA1 system
NOTE: rysnc MUST be installed on both systems!!
partimage -z1 -o -d -b save /dev/hda12 /mnt/backup/redhat-6.2.partimg.gz partimage restore /dev/hda13 /mnt/backup/suse-6.4.partimg partimage restmbr /mnt/backup/debian-potato-2.2.partimg.bz2 partimage imginfo /mnt/backup/debian-potato-2.2.partimg.bz2
Link: DD