variabel=value echo $variabel
set -x
set +x
The “if” syntax is dependant on the kind of condition. Basically there are 3 types:
1. file 2. integer 3. string
Example “file”:
file=/test if [ -e $file ] then echo "$file exist." else echo "$file does not exist." fi
Common parameters (file):
e, -a #File exist -f #File is a regular file -d #File is a directory -s #File is non-zero size -h, -L #File is a symbolic link -r, -w, -x #Check file permission -u #File’s suid flag is set -O #File owner is you -G #File group same as yours ! #reverse
Another example for “file”:
var=`cat file` if echo $var | grep "search_string" then echo "search_string found" else echo "search_string _not_ found" fi
Another file check examples:
if [ -f /tmp/foo.txt ] then echo "there´s foo.txt!" rm /tmp/foo.txt else echo "The file does not exist!" echo "Please create a file with the following command:" echo "\"touch /tmp/foo.txt\"" fi
if [ -f $VAR1 ] && [ -f $VAR2 ] && [ -f $VAR3 ] then .... or like if [[ -f $VAR1 && -f $VAR2 && -f $VAR3 ]] then .... or even if [ -f $VAR1 -a -f $VAR2 -a -f $VAR3 ] then ....
if [ -r somefile ]; then content=$(cat somefile) elif [ -f somefile ]; then echo "The file 'somefile' exists but is not readable to the script." else echo "The file 'somefile' does not exist." fi
Another example:
if [ conditions ]; then # Things elif [ other_conditions ]; then # Other things else # In case none of the above occurs fi
Example “integer”:
read num; if [ $num -gt "10" ] then echo "$num is greater than 10" fi
Common parameters (interger):
-eq #Is equal to -ne #Not equal to -gt #Greater than -ge #Greater or equal -lt #Less than -le #Less or equal
Example “string”:
if [[ $str1 = $str2 ]] then echo "They are equal." fi
Common parameters (string):
=, == #Is equal to =~ #advanced regular expression compare != #Not equal to > #Greater than < #Less than -z #Null string -n #Not null string
Note: To check other parameters use “man test”, which uses same syntax!
#Create array, read all "*.pgp" files from working directory and save it into array "array" array=(*.pgp) #save array-lengt to variable "arraylength" arraylength=${#array[@]} echo $arraylength #loop runs from index 0 to arraylength for filename in "${array[@]}" do echo "Filename=$filename" gpg --batch --passphrase-file=$PASSPHRASEFILE $filename done
Access manually array-entry [0]:
echo ${array[0]}
All entries:
echo ${array[*]}
#!/bin/sh #Variable Declaration startIP=31 endIP=42 ID=1 CAS=10.6.11. #Restarting tomcat on CAS11 - CAS1x for (( j = $startIP ; j <= $endIP; j++ )) do echo "Restarting Tomcat Node $ID" echo "Connecting to $CAS$j" echo "" | telnet $CAS$j 22 | grep "Escape character is" 2>&1 /dev/null && \ ssh root@$CAS$j '/etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart' ID=$[ID+1] sleep 30 done for i in 1 2 3 do echo $i done for i in `find / -name "*.mp3"` do rm $i done for i in * do rm *.mp3 done for (( i = 0 ; i <= 5; i++ )) do echo "Welcome $i times" done Welcome 0 times Welcome 1 times Welcome 2 times Welcome 3 times Welcome 4 times Welcome 5 times for (( i = 1; i <= 9; i++ )) ### Outer for loop ### > do > for (( j = 1 ; j <= 9; j++ )) ### Inner for loop ### > do > tot=`expr $i + $j` > tmp=`expr $tot % 2` > if [ $tmp -eq 0 ]; then > echo -e -n "\033[47m " > else > echo -e -n "\033[40m " > fi > done > echo -e -n "\033[40m" #### set back background colour to black > echo "" #### print the new line ### done
for (( i = 1; i <= 5; i++ )) ### Outer for loop ### do for (( j = 1 ; j <= 5; j++ )) ### Inner for loop ### do echo -n "$i " done echo "" #### print the new line ### done 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5
for i in `ls -1`; do echo $i && sleep 1; done for i in $(ls .pro*); do echo $i; done
Infinite loop:
while true do command done
#!/bin/sh while true do echo "test!" sleep 5 done
Loop counts until i=11
i=1 n=2 while [ $i -le 10 ]; do echo "$n * $i = `expr $i \* $n`"; i=`expr $i + 1`; echo "i=$i" done
#!/bin/bash CHECK="true" UIDSTART="3199" while [ "$CHECK" = "true" ] do UIDGREP=`grep $UIDSTART /scripts/uid.txt` if [ -z "$UIDGREP" ] then echo "user angelegt" CHECK="false" else echo "$UIDSTART ist schon vorhanden" UIDSTART=$((UIDSTART-1)) fi done
EXTERNAL_PATH=/var/media/ftp/Freetz/external ( trap : HUP while [ ! -f "$EXTERNAL_PATH"/.external ]; do sleep 3; done exec /etc/init.d/rc.external start ) &
#check and set iptables /sbin/ifconfig -a |/bin/grep ppp0 && PPP_STATUS="0" || PPP_STATUS="1" echo $PPP_STATUS while [ $PPP_STATUS == 0 ] do /bin/echo PPP_STATUS=$PPP_STATUS /sbin/iptables-restore < /scripts/iptables_restore_ppp0 && /bin/echo "iptables restored" || /bin/echo "iptables not restored" /sbin/iptables-save /sbin/ifconfig -a |/bin/grep ppp0 && PPP_STATUS="0" || PPP_STATUS="1" if [ $PPP_STATUS == 0 ] then break fi /bin/sleep 5 done
Check, if file exist and terminate loop if file is in path:
SOCKET="/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock" while [ ! -f $SOCKET ] ; do echo "$SOCKET does not exist." sleep 10 done
#! /bin/sh start() { echo "start" } stop() { echo "stop" } t=`ps -ef|grep t[i].sh` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then start else stop fi
#!/bin/sh ################################################################################################### delete() { echo delete application "\"$app1"\"! #Variables tomcat=/srv/www/tomcat6/ echo "Removing Deployed Application" rm -r $tomcat/webapps/$app1 echo "Cleaning Nodes" rm -r /.cluster/cdsl/?/srv/www/tomcat6/work/Catalina/localhost/$app1 rm -r /.cluster/cdsl/??/srv/www/tomcat6/work/Catalina/localhost/$app1 rm -r /.cluster/cdsl/default/srv/www/tomcat6/work/Catalina/localhost/$app1 rm -r /.cluster/cdsl/??/srv/www/tomcat6/temp/* rm -r /.cluster/cdsl/?/srv/www/tomcat6/temp/* rm -r /.cluster/cdsl/default/srv/www/tomcat6/temp/* echo "done" } ################################################################################################### ################################################################################################### start () { app1=0 echo "Please enter Application Name (e.g. applicationname)" read -p "Application Name : " app1 if [ -z $app1 ]; then echo "Please enter the application name WITHOUT spaces. Empty strings arent´t allowed as well!"; start else delete fi } ################################################################################################### start
Math addition:
i=$((i+1)) user 0m0.992s i=$((i++)) user 0m0.964s ((i=i+1)) user 0m0.760s ((i+=1)) user 0m0.700s ((i++)) user 0m0.644s ((++i)) user 0m0.556s let "i=i+1" user 0m1.116s let "i+=1" user 0m1.100s let "i++" user 0m1.008s let i=i+1 user 0m0.952s let i+=1 user 0m1.040s let i++ user 0m0.820s declare -i i; i=i+1 user 0m0.528s declare -i i; i+=1 user 0m0.492s i=0; i=$(expr $i + 1) user 0m5.464s